Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ants and the grasshopper!

“It’s a bug-eat-bug world out there, Princess.” – Hopper, from “A bug’s life”

In the field one summer day was an assiduous ant, toiling away..
Hindered by an unbashed hopper, looming with pretense, a show-stopper..
For being the ant’s leader, he felt mandated to be the deal breaker
Mumbled the ant with dread, “Morning sire.. wish you a lovely day ahead”
With his cold unforgiving gaze, you wished he would vanish into a maze..

“A lovely day with you.. never, Maybe when hell freezes over”

One eventually cease to mollify, cause the attempt can never pacify.

What is good should be better.. else I’ll rub into your eyes, hot chilly pepper
I have set your target.. all you have to do is slog, and your happiness – Forget
You may try to lament for the man.. but I say “hats off to your plan”

Our little ant could take no more, in his dreams, was the hopper and gore..
Over a cup of honey and fruit ripe, he found more souls with the same gripe..

The rebel in ants united.. something within them was now ignited.
Of populace they could boast..together, they command the mercy of the host..
Drove away the hopper they did.. out came an apology with a solid bid..

With the celebratory twine into the needle, now entered a nasty beetle!
Impeding cycle of domination, frustration.. rebellion will become an easy relation.
Ants would eventually see the hard part..which is simply to stand together for the fight!

We have all faced villains in our lives. I would now like to thank all the people who have bullied me at different points in my life: right from my childhood, till date. These people have made life painful and unbearable to deal !

They are excellent at making people feel worthless and suck the self-esteem right out of their persona. But within each of us, lies a fighting spirit which is waiting to come out and defend the wonderful person that you are! Sometimes, all you have to do when you are out up against a bully is to join hands with another person who is a target and jointly stand up for the common cause!

Villains come and go. Thank them… for you will make such strong bonds that will last forever. And finally, it is because of them that you have the chance to be the hero in your own story!