Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Looking into a mirror

“The greatest treasures are not gold, nor jewels, nor works of art. They cannot be held in your hands. They're held within your heart. For worldly things will fade away as seasons come and go. But the treasure of true friendship will never lose its glow.”

Being a quiet soul who prefers to chill in her comfort zone, the loud romp show associated with friendship and hanging out seemed highly exaggerated to me. I continued to believe this way until I met my bestie. 

It was as unlikely as if the shy docile rabbit and the sly pampered cat, sworn enemies in nature have somehow broken the rules and became the best of friends...

I like to believe that sometimes, the universe conspires to bring friends together in a very meticulous planned fashion. Because there seems to be no other explanation for people being in the same vicinity for years, after which they suddenly find a soul mate and best friend in each other… while on the other hand, it takes no more than minutes for a perfect connection to click.

More than saying that they are “good people”, what I love about my besties is that I can just be myself. I know exactly how alike or how different they are from me. But it doesn't matter, because I totally love them the way they are, and there is a gentle reassurance that I am loved just the way I am. 
The sense of belongingness, and wanting to see them fulfil their little dreams, go out of their way to give them a reason to smile… go out of their way to pull their leg… but get fiercely protective when somebody not so close to the friend tries to pull the same joke (Only I can tease my friend… Who are you to say that about her???? )… 

It takes just a glance at each other to know exactly what they are going through. A wave of hand, or change to tone to know what is off. 

We watch out for each others backs. Lend that unquestioning supportive ear for a vent out… but wait for the heat to calm down before telling us that we need to pull our act together. Make them follow their dreams… Share common goals… Similar outlook on life… 

We often discuss about a variety of topics in the world from music, news, movies, space, philosophy, politics, art, nature, food etc, often without any concrete outcome… except to know that there is a soul out there who also thinks the way I do. Even if we disagree on something, its great to know that somebody respects these differences and we can still be friends… They have helped me grow and be a better person for sure.

I have no idea how my life would have shaped up without you!

I know why this sort of a friendship makes me so grounded… When I am with you, I simply feel like I am looking into a mirror… 

…Dedicated to my best friends!

1 comment:

Sankaran said...

Hope I am one of your Bestie!!!