Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sometimes, it takes "Pluck"

It was that numbing pain in her shoulders which was the only thing on her mind. Probably an effect of sitting all day in front of the computer, hunched and focused, coding away… 
Just a typical day at work.

She needed relief and instinct made her press and massage into the pain. This helped.
Now, just imagine that this was the only sort of pain she ever felt. The kind where you press over it, or rub over it and it goes away…

She was walking barefoot in the garden and stepped over a thorn and the pain just shot up and made her scream out and cry. She looked at the thorn and started massaging into it and rubbing into it because that was the only way she knew to make “pain” go away.

Logic should eventually catch up! And she needs to figure out that for this one, she ought to pull out the thorn to make the pain go away and not rub it. But ah… People are complicated little things…

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