Friday, July 7, 2017

Trust fall

I was standing at the edge of the cliff, contemplating if I should jump or not. That was definitely what I had signed up for, yet standing at the edge with just a measly flimsy rope tied to me feet My body was screaming at me to turn back and run away! Is this enough? Can I trust this rope to hold me safe? Will I become a figure in statistics of failed bungee jump accidents? Will it really be safe and keep its promises? 

It sounds too good to be true... 

On the other hand, was the desire to be free above it all and fly, glide through the air. Falling without any bounds, free-falling into what seems like infinity, this could very well be the end. But with the faith and knowledge that the ropes are bound and that I am safe. It was a mix of all possible emotions within a fraction of time 

If I could freeze that moment and separate out all my thoughts, it is probably a bit of excitement, fear, joy, curiosity, pushing one's limits, heart over mind, mind over body, priorities, survival, again fear, resignation to possible death, FAITH, I guess I got to know myself better finally when I took that leap!

It was the scariest thing I had ever done. I thought I was definitely going to die for those 5 seconds until I felt that tug of rope at my feet! 

Those 5 seconds of taking the plunge and leap of faith and surviving it, changed me! 

It is a constant reminder that if I look at my fears head on, there is a part of me which wants to just jump, soar and be free from it all.

It definitely helps to have these strong pillars in my life who seem to tell me No matter what happens, You fall and Ill catch you. I am there for you. Wonder what I would do without these people. It is a constant reminder from the universe that I am not alone and that I am being taken care of. 

I guess all of my life are made of these moments, especially something that's new and scary. 

I am standing at the cliff and looking at this scary valley down below which might crush me into pieces if I take the plunge, and I wonder why my body aches 
I see that I am neither standing on the cliff, nor have taken the leap. I am somewhere in between hanging on to the tine slab for my dear life even though my safety harness is secure 

I guess when it is painful or a struggle, I simply need to have the faith and see that my ropes are secure! 

Bungee jumping was and will forever remain one of my most special memories! Because, in some sense, I am bungee jumping everyday!  :D

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