Friday, June 15, 2012

Words are all i have...

Communication is one the lesser heeded feature of living beings.. I feel it is something that humans have taken for granted.. probably with the advent of languages and words to express, the onus to communicate something is perceived to be on “the other person”..

The link between words and the skill of expressing a thought can have so many dimensions.. I am going to ponder over a few thoughts that came to my mind.. :)

I truly believe that the strongest of relationships are when words are not necessary to hold it together. Look at a mother and her baby.. Communication happens at a totally different level. There is perfect understanding and sync of emotions that are easily picked up by the mother. Look at a person with his pet .. these relationships are not sustained on re-assuring words or justification .. It is a space where the connection happens at the soul level. It is the space where the pet feels completely taken care and showers so much of unconditional love. And when we realize that this and are the receiving end of such affection, it just makes our heart melt..There are no words spoken in exchange.. If it is possible for two beings of different species to connect at such a deep level, I wonder what goes wrong when two individuals of the same species, specifically, when the most intelligent species on the planet (us) come together..

On one hand, words are being highly exaggerated and blown out of proportion. We seem to have a tendency to look for deeper meaning behind words.. Be it good, or bad…

A lot of times, we get stuck..wondering what the other person meant by those words.. or continue to get depressed/de-motivated/angry without even accepting the tiny possibility that there could be another side to the story.. all because of words.. and we save it up in our mind, directly associated with negative feelings…ready to bring it up the court-room of drama as “evidence” ..which leads on to more clashes of words..  :P  (its really amusing to watch.. :D )

Honestly, this makes sense… and its quite understandable..

But I see another aspect of words, which is totally the opposite… where people take away all the meaning out of words and just use it for the sake of it..

Somebody.. please explain what “bull shit” really means.. The shit of a bull?? Really?? :) And why a bull specifically??
And I would really be grateful if anyone can justify the use of F words with a proper context with the meaning the word actually has..

Anyway.. the list of bad, abusive words is quite a long one.. and it doesn’t appeal to me that people are capable of using words just because they fall in that category, rather than expressing what they actually feel. Saying %^$&^%, !@#* , $#&( , #@%$ is not really going to make a difference.. because everyone knows that they are just meaningless abusive words. The only thing that comes across to me when I hear people use bad words is either that they are not aware of what they are doing… or they are really really frustrated..

Anyway.. I wrote this out to the people who fall in the first category.. if you are swearing for no apparent reason (except extreme frustration), just realize that those words you use actually make no sense and you have become the victim of a senseless fad.. I hope you want to be better than that.. :)