Thursday, December 19, 2013

Food for Thought!

Often we have many experiences throughout our lives. But its very rare when it touches that deep chord in ones heart… rather in my case, a strong blow to the heated up experience. It will stay with me forever. This happened during my daily commute to my workplace.

The slow inching Bangalore traffic at the speed of 150 m/s came to a halt at yet another signal. I was sitting at the window and decided to look around, also looking to pass the time before my patience wades away.

The bus had halted right in front of a butcher shop. I usually shun away from the stench and gore associated with it. However, I was looking at the birds in their cages. Some were sitting idly in the corner, one just got up and sat to another corner, one went over and had some sort of a squabble with its cell mate, another one was pecking away at the bucket placed in the corner. I was fascinated for some reason. I was looking at this one bird which was looking outside the cage, when it suddenly started shrieking terribly followed by all the other birds in the cage.

This man was walking towards the cage, unmindful of their cries. The sheer struggle and plead of every bird in the cage to escape his clutches of death was so painful to bear. You don’t need to be a Dr Dolittle to know what those cries mean. Despite having had no freedom and being cooped within a cage all its life, it fought as viciously as it could, pleaded as desperately as possible to be spared its life.
It broke my heart…

And to imagine that some random human being would consume the dead body of an animal that went through so much pain just moments before it was killed (not to mention its lifelong struggle to be fed and grown to health, only to be slaughtered).

I implore all the non vegetarians to have this experience. Please go to the nearest butcher shop, and watch the butcher pick out the bird from the cage, listen and take in every cry, every tremor and shriek from the birds.. Watch him take out his knife and kill the bird and skin it for you. And then proceed to consume your priced chicken.
: - (
For those who can stay through the whole process, and still proceed to eat the chicken, I honestly marvel at your strength (Read as ‘insensitivity’).

There are a lot of reasons to go veg which have been expounded very well:

However this is my opinion which struck my mind deeply.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Face off

With a dreary premonition of being hunted, she suddenly became alert. The sickening overpowering kick of fear and adrenalin seeping in, she prepared to scream and bolt.. realizing her solitude and no one to hear her scream for help she froze.. no way out from being attacked which happened as she foresaw.

However luck favored and she barely managed to escape with her precious life. The scars would remind her of the horror every day. Living under the shadow of pain and the need to put on a brave façade sucked the joy out of life. She swore to never walk on the path again.

They say time heals..but her time froze and ended with the attack.
But one day..she stumbled upon a rare special torch.. the fire lit on the torch was supposedly said to keep away these monsters which attacked her. Not just that.. it was prided for having the capacity to turn them into wonderful human beings!!
She was so skeptic.. She shuddered at the memory of being attacked and was reminded of the cruel inhuman creatures who showed no mercy.

But the mere possibility of the torch delivering its promise brought in courage and hope which she never felt for a long time! She had to walk down the path again and face her demons and put the past behind! It just had to be done.
She held on to the torch and gripped on it with all her life. The first few steps were so shaky but she held on. With a deep breath, she left the remorse and blame behind..slowly leading way to anger..

Built on her pace..walking faster now..the torch shone more brightly.. she looked around.. they did not dare come near. She was reminded of the little joys she shared on the way home.. the joy and laughter was still in the air and she was lost in reminiscence
The warmth of the torch touched her soul now and comforted her like nothing else ever did..

She knew she was safe.. and she was able to be happy again in the glow of the light! And we have a ‘happily ever after’.

I am really glad for her. But, what next..? I am  just waiting for her to now be inspired to use her torch to save the countless others.. : )

It will happen soon! : )

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Fire

The spark was lit and the flame came into existence.. nascent, pure and very fragile. She had to be fed with something flammable, dry and lot of air.. Took a breath in and the flame grew up higher.. spreading the warmth and light into the cold dark expanse..

An assortment of reactions towards the primordial fire.. fear, awe, trepidation, reverence, dread, curiosity… However as the fire grew, some learned that it keeps us warm in the cold.. can scare away large animals.. cook the meat and make food taste better..  hence she got a lot of attention and began to spread..

With a God-Like status, and more power, the infamous thing called ego began to creep up.. power and greed to be all she can be showed the ugly side of fire… soon became synonymous with destruction, death.. evil…

Maybe she got a feeling that if she had to show her potential, that meant for her to burn everything on her path.. and this was not a good image, for it brought fear rather than a sense of gratitude..

However, the very same fire which destroys acquired a spiritual significance.. It is “Tapas” which literally means fire/heat which will lead you to attain the state of Nirvana.. It was believed that an offering to the fire which is made out of grace will reach God. Fire and the Sun were again revered as a source of life..

Anyway.. I don’t think the evil potential of fire will ever be forgotten or forgiven. We will always be careful to avoid fire accidents.. but this does not stop us from lighting a flame for the Arthi or performing a Yajna..

If fire had a mind and a choice, I wonder which way it would choose.. Maybe that is highly irrelevant..

But what about the fire within us.. Are we going to aim and let the ego take over and burn away our lives in aimless pursuits… or are we going to aim to be the pure divine flame which brings warmth in our own lives and everyone else around us..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The carpenter made a beautiful teak box. It was unique and one of a kind. Not sure if I can say that it was beautiful, because that depends on perception. But different it was.. something about it will draw a second glance the myriad pieces on display. Maybe objects have a personality of their own.. and I like to think that they do.. after all aren’t we all objects in the entire cosmic creation..

Better not to lose track of the box.. They came by.. most of the people dismissed the box instantly for numerous reasons.. utility.. aesthetics.. interiors.. décor.. material.. and many more..

This was fair.. for neither did the box want to be taken up in an environment where it doesn’t belong and wont be appreciated..

How often does it happen when someone has their attention on it, likes it and goes out of their way to procure the object for what it is… and as time goes by, expect the wooden teak box to act a magical disappearing broom cupboard.. Expect it to entertain you.. produce a genie that will listen to your rants and talk to you..  the box never promised any miracles… however it loses its initial charm..

There it ends.. in the bin.. neglected and forgotten

I really wondered how often could that happen..

All the time.. After all we all are objects in the entire cosmic creation who move and get moved (as we choose) by the humongous tide of expectations!